white and light pink large wrapped bouquet


Beautiful mix of whites, neutrals, and light pinks all wrapped together in the perfect bouquet. This is a larger sized bouquet and will fill a vase nicely.

*please note this does not come with a vase. We use in season flowers so they may vary depending on the time of the year.

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Beautiful mix of whites, neutrals, and light pinks all wrapped together in the perfect bouquet. This is a larger sized bouquet and will fill a vase nicely.

*please note this does not come with a vase. We use in season flowers so they may vary depending on the time of the year.

Beautiful mix of whites, neutrals, and light pinks all wrapped together in the perfect bouquet. This is a larger sized bouquet and will fill a vase nicely.

*please note this does not come with a vase. We use in season flowers so they may vary depending on the time of the year.

Pink Posey Pot
Dark and Light pink wrapped bouquet
floral mix arrangement
Roses are red
from $58.00
from $75.00