Pothos – The Perfect Plant for Beginners

Whether your house looks like an urban jungle or you are just starting your plant collection, the Pothos plant is the perfect addition to your home. This undemanding, easy to care for plant is a plant parent’s dream and requires little attention.

Popular for many reasons, the Pothos is one of those plants you can put almost anywhere in your home. They tolerate both bright indirect light as well as low light conditions and can be grown in either soil or hydroponically in water. *Water is a great option for Pothos if you’re putting them in a hard to reach place because they can remain untouched as long as there is water in the container they are growing in.

The Pothos plant is often over looked by plant lovers due to the fact that it is not as showy as other house plants out there, however, you can find pothos in an array of colors and foliage patterns that are sure to match any taste or decor and add that needed pop of green in your home!

You may hear it called “Devils Ivy” due to its ability to trail or climb which makes this plant ideal for shelves, hanging baskets or on top of a mantel or bookshelf. And the best part? Pothos is one of the top rated houseplants for improving indoor air quality and making home and office environments cleaner!

So what do you say? Big thumbs up for the Pothos plant and a must for your home!

Display Ideas

Check out these fun design ideas from Garden Design:

  • Pothos can be kept compact and bushy, or allowed to develop a trailing habit. How best to display your Pothos depends on how it is trained.

  • Grow a trailing plant in a hanging basket and allow the foliage to cascade for an elegant display. Place in a bedroom, living room or office to enjoy the benefits of air purification.

  • Train a vining form up a vertical support such as driftwood, bark, a small trellis or pole for a natural rain forest effect.

  • Allow a vining form to sprawl horizontally along a table top, mantelpiece or bookshelf for a softening, living touch.

  • Long runners can be trained along a wall or window frame, the branches secured with small cup hooks. This can give the appearance of integrating the indoors with nature.

  • Feature a bushy type in a decorative pot as a living accent on a coffee table, end table, office desk or plant stand. Use a slower growing variegated form to reduce the need for pruning.

  • Place a trailing or bushy form on a shelf or hanger in a bathroom where it will thrive on the increased humidity and warmth from showers and baths.

  • Display a green or slightly variegated form that needs less light on your office desk to lift your mood during the work day.

  • Plant a green variety that tolerates low light in a brightly colored decorative pot. Place in a dull, drab corner of the house to liven up the space.

Lauren Austin